
Mindful Moms: Four Strategies for Keeping Your Cool When Stress Levels are High

mindful moms: four strategies for keeping your cool when stress levels are high May 13, 2023
Mindful Moms: Four Strategies for Keeping Your Cool When Stress Levels are High

As working moms, we’ve all been there. It’s 7am. No one is dressed, your precious angel baby spilled breakfast on the floor, you forgot to fill up your gas tank last night, and you have a meeting in an hour. So, what’s the best way to keep a level head and an even temper when your body is launched into fight or flight at a time like this? Research suggests that mindfulness may be the key.


Mindfulness truly boils down to being present in the current moment and observing that moment without judgement. In a journal article published in Clinical Psychology Review titled The Effects of Mindfulness on Psychological Health, the author Shian-Ling Keng et al. states, “[…] Mindfulness is positively associated with psychological health, and […] mindfulness may bring about positive psychological effects. These effects ranged from increased subjective well-being, reduced psychological symptoms and emotional reactivity, to improved regulation of behavior.”


It's easy to be as cool as a cucumber when work is going well, no one is rushing, and all the children are listening to directions. But how do we tap into mindfulness skills when the stress train comes barreling through? These tried-and-true strategies are simple ways to self-regulate and cultivate a pause so you can respond instead of react:


  1.  Put down your phone. Seriously.

Mindfulness is all about being present in the current moment. If we are trying to respond to an email while making breakfast and our children are asking us where babies come from while the dog barks outside, it’s a true recipe for disaster. Whenever possible, focus in on one task at a time. This allows us to be more aware of what we are doing, foster better connections with the people in front of us, and avoid careless mistakes that will be frustrating later. Check out what Forbes has to say about the effects of multitasking on the job.


  1.  Tap into your five senses.

Part of observing a moment, no matter how chaotic it seems at first glance, involves using all five senses. Mayo Clinic calls this the “5-4-3-2-1 countdown to make anxiety blast off.” In this mindfulness method, you name five things you can see in the present moment, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can taste (or your favorite taste), and one thing you can smell (or your favorite smell). This simple exercise gets you out of your head and back into your body, allowing you to down-regulate.



  1.  Harness your breath.

If you’ve ever paid attention to your breath when you’re stressed out, you’ve likely noticed that you’re either breathing quickly or holding your breath. Several studies now show that the simple act of having a longer exhale than inhale can help you hack your Vagus nerve, kicking your body into “rest and digest” mode and out of “fight or flight.” Read more about the power of your exhales here.


  1.  Do a body scan.

Doing a body scan is a mindfulness exercise in which you pay attention to the feeling in each part of your body, step-by-step. Often, this is done lying down, but the method can be modified and practiced standing. As you scan through each part of your body, you may find that your mind begins to wander. If that happens, notice the thoughts without judgement and return to the exercise. Learn the full method here.


It's simple techniques like these, practiced regularly, that can make a huge difference in your ability to face life’s challenges with finesse.



About the Author:

Gina Hughes is the owner and founder of Invitation Yoga & Events, a company that specializes in personalized yoga and mindfulness events for celebrations, parties, and team building. Gina co-creates one-of-a-kind events with her clients, weaving in breathwork, mindfulness, yoga, guided relaxation, and artistic elements. Learn more at or find her on Instagram @invitationyoga.



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