Working Moms of San Antonio Podcast

Working Moms of San Antonio Podcast

Hosted by: Erika Radis and Marie Lifschultz

Join Erika Radis and Marie Lifschultz for the Working Moms of San Antonio Podcast where this San Antonio area Realtor and Lender navigate career, family life, and everything in between! They also feature guest...


Parenting & Technology...the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Season #1 Episode #5

Technology. It's here to stay and as working parents, we've got to try to navigate how to safely allow it into our homes and families! How do we do that? It's so hard to know! On this episode Marie, Erika & their...
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Learn from your lender! Marie tells us what buyers can expect at that first lender meeting.

Season #1 Episode #4

Curious what an initial lender meeting looks like for home buyers? Marie is here to tell us! Buying a home (especially if you've never done it before) can sometimes feel overwhelming. Where do you start? How much is...
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All over the place with kids in sports and activities? Same.

Season #1 Episode #3

Sometimes as parents we feel like were stretched pretty thin, and running around all over the place! When your kids are in extracurricular activites, that can sometimes add to that feeling, but there are some great...
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Healthy Eating for the Whole Family with guest Chelsea Crawford, Registered Dietitian

Season #1 Episode #2

Join us in chatting about healthy eating with our guest, Chelsea Crawford, a registered pediatric & family dietitian! Chelsea touches on some philosophies she shares with her clients regarding successful healthy...
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Get to know Erika & Marie, & learn why we started Working Moms of San Antonio

Season #1 Episode #1

In this quick intro episode, we introduce ourselves and talk a little bit about why we felt the need to start our group Working Moms of San Antonio back in 2019, and why we decided to start this podcast now. Join in...
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