#42 Let's Talk Fertility- with guest Lea Nicole Trujillo

Season #1

Let's Talk Fertility! This week we chat with Lea Nicole Trujillo . She shares her expert knowledge on fertility and IVF, how she discovered herself her own struggles with fertility and how she overcame them with positivity and her knowledge to help others.

👉 Listen to the podcast: workingmomsofsanantonio.com/podcasts/working-moms-of-san-antonio-podcast 📽️ Check out our Video Podcast: youtube.com/@WorkingMomsofSanAntonioPodcast ♥️

Get in touch with Lea Nicole Trujillo at Instagram: TruFertility

Visit her Website: www.LeaNicoleCoaching.com She also has a free class available on her website as well as a newsletter sign up!

You can follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/workingmomsofsanantonio/



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